Tuesday, February 27, 2007




Anonymous said...


1. sexual pleasure achieved through humiliation: sexual gratification achieved by humiliation and the acceptance of physical and verbal abuse
2. need for pain: the psychological disorder in which somebody needs to be emotionally or physically abused in order to be sexually satisfied
3. search for abusive sexual partners: the active seeking out of sexual partners who will dominate, humiliate, and physically and verbally abuse
4. enjoyment of hardship: the tendency to invite and enjoy misery of any kind, especially in order to be pitied by others or perhaps admired for forbearance

and the person who adopt the aforementioned is said to be masochist(noun)

Anonymous said...

like maninder koholi of noida who is
a pedophilia
sexual desire for children: sexual desire felt by an adult for children, or the crime of sex with a child

necrophilia (noun)
sexual desire for dead bodies: sexual feelings for or sexual acts with dead bodies
and had shown

1. humans eating humans: the eating of human flesh by other human beings, whether for food or as a religious ritual
2. animals eating own species: the eating of animal flesh by animals of the same species

Anonymous said...

moninder is not a paedophilia..he is a paedophilic he he he

Anonymous said...

acrophobia, agoraphobia, ailurophobia, arachnophobia, claustrophobia, hydrophobia, necrophobia, nyctophobia, photophobia, pyrophobia, technophobia, theophobia, zoophobia
Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2005. © 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Anonymous said...

1. pellucid: transparent, clear; also, easily understandable.

2. moribund: dying.

3. roseate: cheerful; bright; also, rose-colored.

4. conspectus: a sketch, survey, or outline of a subject.

5. missive: a written message; a letter.

6. genial: sympathetically cheerful and cheering; kindly.

7. idee fixe: a fixed idea; an obsession.

8. Pyrrhic victory: a victory achieved at great cost.

9. bucolic: rustic; pastoral.

10. crux: the essential point or feature.

11. satiety: fullness to or beyond the point of satisfaction.

12. vivify: to endue with life; to enliven.

13. slaver: to slobber; to drool.

14. beau ideal: a perfect or an idealized type or model.

15. raffish: tawdry; also, rakish.

16. impregnable: able to resist attack.

17. doyen: the senior member of a body or group.

18. sonorous: yielding sound; impressive in sound.

19. turbid: muddy; not clear; also, confused; disordered.

20. apogee: the highest point.

21. hoi polloi: the common people; the masses.

22. malodorous: having a bad odor.

23. lapidary: of or pertaining to stone cutting; also, terse or refined in expression.

24. hardscrabble: barren, marginal; also, marked by poverty.

25. enjoin: to direct or impose with authority; also, to forbid.

26. sycophant: one who seeks favor by flattery; a toady.

27. ambit: circuit or compass; also, sphere of action or influence.

28. surreptitious: done, made, or gotten by stealth; also, marked by stealth.

Anonymous said...

some more words
1. nascent: beginning to exist.
2. exegesis: exposition; explanation.
3. favonian: pertaining to the west wind; soft; mild; gentle.
4. punctilio: a fine point of exactness in conduct, ceremony, or procedure.
5. interregnum: the interval between two reigns; also, any breach of continuity in an order.
6. hinterland: backcountry.
7. chimerical: merely imaginary; fanciful.
8. sunder: to break apart.
9. uxorious: excessively fond of or submissive to a wife.
10. coxcomb: a vain, showy fellow.
11. bowdlerize: to remove or modify the parts considered offensive.
12. incarnadine: pink or red; also, to redden.
13. tractable: docile; manageable, governable.
14. bromide: a commonplace or conventional saying.
15. eddy: a current running contrary to a main current or in a circular direction.
16. imprecation: a curse.
17. foofaraw: excessive or flashy ornamentation; also, a fuss over a trivial matter.
18. cudgel: a short heavy stick.
19. yeasty: frothy; foamy; spumy, like yeast.
20. pettifogger: a petty, unscrupulous lawyer; also, who quibbles over trivia.
21. extemporaneous: composed, performed, or uttered on the spur of the moment.
22. censure: to criticize severely; also, an expression of disapproval.
23. supine: lying on the back; also, indolent; listless.
24. inscrutable: difficult to fathom or understand.
25. dissimulate: to hide under a false appearance; also, to feign or pretend.
26. overweening: overbearing; also, excessive.
27. conflate: to bring together; to meld.
28. maunder: to talk or wander aimlessly.
29. gadabout: one who roams about in search of amusement or social activity.
30. cohort: a group; also, a companion or associate.
31. homily: a sermon or lecture; also, an inspirational saying or a platitude.

Anonymous said...

vim: exuberance, exuberant vitality and energy verve, vigor, exuberance, zest, dash, punch, vitality, spirit, energy, enthusiasm, panache
antonym: lethargy
