Monday, February 26, 2007


A motorcycle stunts man belonging to a fair, rides over the vertical walls of a circular well at an average speed of 54 kph for 5 minutes. If the radius of the well is 5 meters then the distance traveled is:
  1. 2.5 kms
  2. 3.5 kms
  3. 4.5 kms
  4. 5.5 kms
  5. None of the above


goyalakshay said...


Madhur said...


Anonymous said...

heelo admin heard from someone...who happened to
got some information from a nearby local coaching
center..he told me that according to the new norms
..this time there won't be any schol for candidates
applying with gre score(old pattern)..please let me
know,,,, even though gre scores r valid for 5 years,
its better to appear in current pattern only if we r
trying upto fall 2008 ..since someone
appearing for old pattern will be applying for fall
2008..but they wont be getting scholarship!!!!!!!how
far is that true..please take the information from
your colleagues

Ankit said...

plz explain dis problem
admin ??

Anonymous said...

54 kms per hr..
54kms in 60 mins
??kms in 5 mins
= 54*5/60=4.5 kms...answer is (c)

if i am wrong correct me..