Thursday, March 1, 2007


  1. rustic
  2. crude
  3. exquisite
  4. experienced
  5. migratory


Unknown said...

ans is D.

Anonymous said...


(comparative cal·lower, superlative cal·low·est)
young and inexperienced: young or immature, and lacking the experience of life that comes with adulthood

gaucheness (n)

uncouthness, awkwardness, tactlessness, gracelessness, clumsiness, callowness
antonym: poise

Anonymous said...

1. meticulous: extremely careful about details.
2. wayworn: wearied by traveling.
3. parlous: fraught with danger; hazardous.
4. vim: energy; vigor.
5. booboisie: a class of people regarded as stupid or foolish.
6. orotund: full in sound; also, bombastic.
7. palindrome: a word, verse, phrase, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward.
8. flippant: showing inappropriate levity; pert.
9. irrefragable: impossible to refute.
10. cogent: appealing to the mind or to reason; convincing.
11. ukase: an edict.
12. fetid: stinking.
13. badinage: light, playful talk.
14. atelier: a workshop; a studio.
15. posit: to postulate; also, to suggest.
16. callow: immature.
17. succinct: brief; concise.
18. lugubrious: mournful; gloomy; dismal.
19. officious: meddlesome.
20. castigate: to punish or criticize severely.
21. propinquity: nearness.
22. descant: a discourse; also, to discourse.
23. robustious: boisterous; vigorous.
24. subfusc: dark or dull in color.
25. jollification: merrymaking; revelry.
26. doff: to take off; to remove; also, to rid oneself of.
27. conurbation: an aggregation or continuous network of urban communities.
28. pugilist: a boxer.
29. gewgaw: a trinket; a bauble.
30. quiddity: the essence or nature of a thing.
31. complement: something that fills up or completes.

Anonymous said...

city, conurbation, metropolis, town, municipality,
CORE MEANING: an urban area where a large number of people live
city in the United States, a large municipal center governed under a charter granted by the state; in Canada, a large municipal unit incorporated by the provincial government, but now used generally for any large urban area; conurbation an urban region formed or enlarged by the merging of adjacent cities and towns through expansion or development; metropolis a large or important city, sometimes the capital of a country, state, or region; town a populated area smaller than a city and larger than a village; municipality a city, town, or area with some degree of self-government

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

calloe means immature so antonym will b experienced
so answer is d

Anonymous said...

callow means immature, unexperienced....
so its antonym would be D: experienced